Direct Mail: Top Tips for Getting It Right

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Direct Mail: Top Tips for Getting It Right

In these days of emails and social media, direct mail can almost seem like yesterday’s news. However, it has not disappeared, and in many ways it is as strong as ever. The reason? It still works. Direct mail can have huge benefits in any marketing campaign, and here’s how you can get more from it.

Key Benefits of Direct Mail

There are many reasons why direct mail still works wonders in these days of technology. Although internet marketing can certainly play a very important role, there is no need to forget about traditional forms of marketing altogether.

The fact is direct mail remains a very powerful way to get your message across. If you get your message right, people will read your sales literature, and they will react to it. You may be put off because of the cost of printing and sending out mail rather than sending emails, but the truth is that print costs have come down and postage costs can be a lot less than you pay at the Post Office, giving a much higher ROI than other forms of marketing.

Because so many companies are switching exclusively to online marketing, you may find you have less competition. This will help your direct mail to get more attention and you will have more chance of getting your message out.

Some people simply prefer receiving and reading physical letters and marketing materials than reading them on a screen. If you reach out to your targets properly and provide them with clear steps to take, you may find that they are more likely to respond than other forms of marketing.

Get More from Direct Mail

If you have decided you want to give direct mail a shot, you will have to keep certain factors in mind to make sure it is a success and avoid wasting money.

Firstly you need people to want to open the envelope to read what you have to say. The style and design of the envelope can greatly affect the appeal therefore make it look different and interesting rather than like a bill!

Next, the copy is incredibly important. The headline alone should take up as much time as the rest of the letter combined because if you get it wrong, it won‚Äôt get read. You may want to consider using the services of a sales copywriter to get your message across. But otherwise, focus on making sure the message is clear and simple.

You should also use a clear call to action. What do you want your targets to do after reading your direct mail? This needs to be obvious, whether it is to call you on a number, cut out a form and send it back, visit your website or anything else, otherwise you are certain to lose them.

The design will also play a key role, so you will probably want to speak to a designer about this. Subtle changes can affect the response rate significantly; so don‚Äôt leave the design as an afterthought.

Another key element in your direct mail campaign is the people who you want to reach with your message, and therefore the data you use. The days of mass marketing are truly behind us and sourcing clean, targeted lists is easier than ever. With the digital revolution the amount of data available is mind blowing and can be used in conjunction with developments in the print industry to personalize not only your mailing list but also the message, truly targeting what you say and to who you say it.

Finally, make sure you test your direct mail. The more campaigns you run, the more you will be able to learn about your response rates, and you can use these to fine tune your marketing messages over time to generate better results.

Get it looking right, get the message right and get it to the right people !

Direct Mail Is Here to Stay

Direct mail has numerous advantages for marketers, so give it a go yourself. You may want to use this technique alongside other newer methods such as email and social media marketing. Just make sure you focus on crafting a campaign that will give you a good return on your investment, and you may find that direct mail becomes a regular part of your marketing process.

