The Top 10 Advantages of Using Postcards
Now, you may be asking, “Why should I be using postcards as opposed to some other marketing tool, such as advertising in my local newspaper?” Please don’t stop advertising
Thinking Outside The Box With Your Direct Mail
One of the best things about using direct mail as part of your marketing strategy is the fact that, unlike many other channels, you can be as creative as
The Value of Direct Mail
Direct Mail can often get pushed aside by marketers who are looking for the latest channel to engage consumers. But direct mail shouldn’t be forgotten, it remains one of
Using Direct Mail Postcards to Advertise Your Business
Deciding to use direct mail postcard to advertise your business is a wise decision. Postcards can be one of the most affordable forms of marketing. Besides affordability, postcards can
5 Reasons To Use Postcards
While direct mail marketing still leads the industry in cost-per-lead, there’s no doubting that it’s still a large expense on your bottom line. There are quite a few ways
Deadlines for 2016 Holiday Mail
Bulk mailers, be sure to check your holiday mailing deadlines. The Postal Service is expecting an especially busy Christmas season. Some 15 billion pieces of mail, including more than
8 Quick Tips for Postcard Marketing
Did you know that 54% of postcards are either read or scanned by recipients? That makes postcards an affordable way to get your name and brand out to prospects. Also,