Ensure Your Direct Mail Stands Out

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Ensure Your Direct Mail Stands Out

mailboxgold_706366Direct mail still has life! Even heavy Internet users continue to view direct mail in a positive manner. It can provide a physical and tangible quality that is lost in electronic communications. However, your direct mail should be relevant and targeted, with the focus on only mailing to those who are likely to buy what you sell.

Here are some basic tips to ensure your direct mail piece stands out in the mailbox:

  • Unclutter‚Äîfocus on a bold headline that is eye-catching, followed up by short paragraphs and bulleted points that support the headline. Less is more!
  • Graphics‚Äîshould be relevant to the message and support the headline.
  • NEVER USE ALL CAPITALS FOR BODY TEXT and eliminate acronyms and industry terminology your target may not be familiar with.
  • Benefits‚Äîwhat’s in it for them? Don’t focus on the features of your products, but focus on how all of that benefits your customer.
  • Offer‚Äîmake sure your offer is enticing and relevant.
  • Call to Action‚Äîtell them what you want them to do. “Call today!” “Act now to reserve your copy!”
  • Response‚Äîallow them to respond in multiple channels, such as email, telephone, response card and website.
  • Website‚Äîif your call to action directs them to your website, make sure it is easy for them to find what they want when they get there. Don’t just drop them on your home page, but consider a microsite that mimics your direct mail piece.

Effective marketing is about driving revenue. People are overwhelmed with marketing messages daily and your job is to make your message stand out from the rest. While a great design and offer are helpful, ensuring that you are mailing to appropriate targets is even better. Track your response rates to your current campaigns and see what your marketing dollars are getting. If you’re not happy with what you see, then try something new and see what happens!


