Direct Mail in A Digital Age

Direct Mail in A Digital Age

finger-769300_640There‚Äôs no denying that the world we live in is digitally driven. Keeping up with the latest technologies and services is often very difficult. Does this mean that traditional direct mail is no longer of value to your company?   You would think that less direct mail is a sure sign that it is no longer an effective means of marketing. But actually it has the potential to be advantageous. If less direct mail is being sent, the mail that is received is more likely to be noticed.

It may seem like digital communications like email and devices like smartphones are taking over the world. That doesn’t mean that traditional methods of communication like direct mail aren’t still effective. Businesses clearly still see the value in direct mail or they wouldn’t be spending so much money on it.

Retail is currently spending the most on direct mail. The traditional marketing practice accounted for 30.8% of advertising spent in 2014, which was an increase of 5% from the previous year. Some businesses have reduced what they spend on direct mail, those that continue to invest include services and the government.

Businesses clearly still feel that there is value in sending our direct mail to their customers. There is also evidence to suggest that customers want to receive the mailings they’re sent. Generally, younger adults are reliant on direct mail as a form of communication.

However despite feeling reliant on post as a form of communication, younger adults are currently the least likely age group to receive direct mail. Perhaps marketers are missing a trick by failing to target younger audiences with direct mail. It’s clearly something they feel is important and of value; perhaps because to them it is more of a rarity than email. Whatever the reason, if you haven’t already, it may be something you want to consider for your next marketing campaign.


How to Make Direct Mail an Integral Part of you Marketing

The fact people are sending fewer letters isn’t enough to say direct mail is dead. You only have to consider how much of businesses’ precious advertising spend is being allocated to direct mail to see that it is still of value in today’s digital world.

However, this isn’t to say that you can get away with sending any old mailing. In order to remain relevant to your audience, you need to find a way to integrate it with some of the other technologies and communication methods outlined in this article.

Take social media, for example. It’s an integral part of people’s lives, so it only seems right that you find a way to utilize it to your advantage. Integrating direct mail with new technologies like QR codes and NFC will allow you to take customers online with your mailing, enhancing their experience in hope of gaining conversions. What’s more, this will be done with you’ve guessed it – their smartphones!

Smartphone technology has a key role to play in your direct mail campaigns. Most people constantly have their devices in arm’s reach, making them the perfect tool for integrating with your direct mail to take customers’ online, whether it’s to your website, social media page or a PURL (personalized landing page). This is where the smartphone steps into play. Now a direct mailer can integrate all aspects of their marketing. If direct mail is to remain relevant to today‚Äôs consumer, it needs to be integrated with other technologies.
