Understanding the Significance of Direct Mail

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Understanding the Significance of Direct Mail

megaphone-147176_640Although the evolution of technology has declined direct mail marketing campaign, still it is quite important for marketers to know that reaching customers through multiple channels will not only help increase their branding but will also enable your clients to remember your company better. Based on several research it is proved that direct mail is still one of the most cheapest and effective marketing strategies.

Below listed are some of the benefits of direct mail, which can give you an idea that how much important it is for your company.

  1. Immense Conversions: According to US postal service 98% of the customers take their mail the day it is delivered, whereas 77% of the customers go through it instantly. We already know that the toughest parts of marketing is to reach the customers, so unlike email marketing, direct mail enables us to avoid the annoying spam folder and get in front of the target directly. Therefore, you must utilize this opportunity by mentioning an upcoming sale or event in your direct mail so that it can provoke customers to visit your website for more information.
  1. Flexible: Direct mail is quite flexible because it can be used for different purpose. You can use it as an invitation or as a short term promotional tool, like a coupon, if your company is new and is looking to generate quick revenue. Moreover, it can be used as a reminder or as an informational tool, for companies who are not looking for short term sales, but are more focused to build a long term relationship with their clients.
  1. Measurable & Effective: The number of mailers that are sent out can be easily recorded and on the other hand response rates can be recorded with the usage of coupons, this is why direct mail is considered to be one of the most measurable forms of marketing. It can facilitate you to easily target your recipients, unlike other channels of marketing that can strike outside of your target market.
  1. Utilize Direct Mail in an integrated way: Communicating with consumers across numerous channels will greatly increase the consumer’s value, reports the Direct Marketing Association. Direct mail is an incredible tool when used in combination with other marketing campaigns. It can efficiently build a brand, use a message, create a short term return and compile the necessary information.


